IQ Games For Kids

IQ Games for Kids, stacked blocks

Parents, here’s your ultimate list of IQ games for kids! Discover a treasure trove of fun-filled activities to boost your child’s intellectual abilities while playing.

What is IQ?

IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a term used to discuss your child’s intellectual intelligence. It relates to cognitive skills such as problem-solving and logical thinking. 

A high IQ could mean that your little one has stronger cognitive abilities, which can lead to better grades and improved problem-solving skills. 

IQ and EQ

But let’s not put all our eggs in the IQ basket. Emotional intelligence, creativity, and practical problem-solving are just as vital in shaping a well-rounded child.

The exciting thing about IQ? It’s not fixed; it can change over time, particularly during your child’s formative years when their brain is developing rapidly.

At Shichida Australia, we believe other factors like emotional intelligence, resilience, creativity, and a positive attitude are equally important in their journey to success. During our classes, we focus on nurturing your child’s IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence).

IQ Games For Kids

Training your child’s IQ isn’t all about serious work – it’s about having fun while learning with a mix of engaging activities. This can include puzzles, games that boost focus, activities that stir up their curiosity, and more. 

IQ Games for Babies

Did you know you can encourage your child’s IQ development from as young as 6 months? 

When nurturing your baby’s budding IQ, the key is to focus on activities that stimulate their senses, foster curiosity, and encourage interaction. 

Peekaboo: This simple game helps babies understand the concept of object permanence, fostering cognitive development.

Playing peekaboo

Stacking Cups: Get ready to stack, sort, and spark joy with our Stacking Cups! This vibrant set is more than just a toy—it’s a launchpad for developing motor skills, learning about sizes and colours, and stimulating creativity. 

Pointing Out Different Objects: Simply pointing and naming various objects around your baby helps develop their vocabulary and recognition skills.

Touch and Texture Books: These books stimulate a baby’s sense of touch and introduce them to different textures.

Mirror Game: Playing with a mirror can enhance a baby’s self-recognition and motor skills.

Musical Toys: Toys that produce different sounds can stimulate a baby’s auditory senses and develop their appreciation for rhythm and music.

IQ Games for Toddlers

Toddlers are naturally curious and eager to explore their environment. This stage of their life is an excellent time to introduce games that boost cognitive development and enhance fine motor skills.

Find the Chicks! 6 Eggs Set: This fun-filled set encourages your little one to develop their fine motor skills and understanding of space and boosts critical thinking. The different coloured chicks inside the eggs offer a fun, hands-on way to teach spatial recognition and colour identification.

1st Stage Set – Early Education Learning Set: Designed to nurture your child’s cognitive and sensory skills, this set offers a variety of engaging activities and learning materials. It’s a fantastic starting point to foster early learning and cultivate a love for exploration and discovery.

Colour Matching Games: These games boost colour recognition and sorting skills.Simple Puzzles: Shichi Duck Puzzle is a captivating puzzle that engages little ones in a fun activity that promotes cognitive development, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.

Toddler doing a shape puzzle

Memory Tray Game: This game, with a few simple objects, can enhance a toddler’s memory and observation skills.

Flashcards: Turn flashcards into an IQ Game for kids. You’ll find Flashcards for all ages and themes in our online store. 

IQ Games for Kids 4+

As children grow, their capacity to understand more complex concepts develops. Games for this age group can be more challenging, promoting advanced problem-solving, logical reasoning, and basic mathematical skills.

Waku Waku Maze: Boost your child’s skills with our engaging maze puzzles, designed to improve their drawing abilities, sharpen their focus, and expand their vision. With progressive challenges and fun themes, it’s an exciting way to enhance cognitive skills while they enjoy the thrill of finding the exit!

Ten Bead Abacus: This classic learning tool is perfect for introducing your little one to basic maths concepts while enhancing fine motor skills. It offers a hands-on, visual way to explore counting, addition, and subtraction.

Scrabble Junior: This simplified version of Scrabble boosts vocabulary and promotes strategic thinking.

Rapid Whole Brain Workout Set: These puzzles require diffuse thinking and a focus on numbers while enhancing concentration and calculation skills. The puzzle also develops connections between the right and left brain, leading to a well-balanced whole brain that enables clear expression of creative ideas.

Monkey Scale: Designed to enhance your child’s understanding of weights and balances, the Monkey Scale also boosts problem-solving skills. It’s an entertaining way to introduce basic maths concepts.

Simon Says: A game that enhances a child’s attention, memory, and ability to follow instructions.

Doki Doki Maze: Designed for children aged 4-7 years, this interactive IQ game for kids develops their cognitive abilities, concentration, and vision processing skills. Navigating through these delightful mazes is an enjoyable way to enhance their problem-solving skills.

Addition Flashcards: Make a game reinforcing mathematical skills. These flashcards are an excellent tool for promoting cognitive development and numerical understanding.

Shape Based Games

Cho Cho Ban: Introduce your child to the fascinating world of shapes with our Cho-Cho Ban game! This engaging game helps sharpen critical thinking, develop problem-solving skills, and boost cognitive abilities. Cho Cho Ban is suited to kids from 2 – 6 years old. Your child will embark on an exciting journey of shapes and patterns with Cho Cho Ban. This engaging game presents a set of geometric pieces that need to be arranged to form various shapes. By manipulating these pieces, your child will explore different combinations and discover the joy of solving puzzles.

Time Shock: Strengthen concentration, thinking ability and discernment by matching the fifteen pieces of the shape puzzle within the time limit.

Classic Games

Chess: This classic game encourages strategic thinking, problem-solving, and concentration.

Two kids playing chess

Sudoku: This number puzzle game improves logical reasoning, problem-solving, and pattern recognition skills.

Scrabble: The full version of this word game not only boosts vocabulary but also promotes strategic thinking.

Crossword Puzzles: These puzzles promote vocabulary development, spelling skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Monopoly: While it’s a fun family game, Monopoly also enhances mathematical skills, strategic thinking, and negotiation skills.

IQ Games Kids Can Play Outside

Outdoor games can be a fun and refreshing way for children to learn and enhance their cognitive abilities. Try some of these outdoor IQ games for kids:

Nature Scavenger Hunt: This game can boost observation and problem-solving skills. Give the children a list of items to find or ask them to spot certain types of leaves, insects, or rocks.

Hopscotch with a Twist: Turn the traditional hopscotch game into a maths exercise by replacing numbers with maths problems that need to be solved before hopping on the square.

A young person playing hopscotch

Planting a Garden:  This can be a great activity to teach children about the growth of plants, increasing their understanding of biology, patience, and care for the environment.

Shadow Drawing: This can be a fun way to teach children about the sun’s movement and the concept of time. Let them trace shadows at different times and observe the changes.

Water Balloon Maths: Write numbers on water balloons. When tossed and caught, children need to solve a maths problem using the numbers caught.

Outdoor Pictionary: This game boosts creative thinking, observation, and drawing skills. Use a portable whiteboard or draw with chalk on the pavement.

Direction Finding: Teach children basic navigation skills using a compass. Turn it into a game by setting up a course they must navigate.

These outdoor IQ games promote cognitive skills and encourage physical activity, making learning a fun and engaging process.

Other Ways to Support Your Child's IQ

IQ games for kids are lots of fun, but they’re not the only way you can support your child’s cognitive development.

Five Important Ways to Support Cognitive Development

Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and complex carbohydrates can promote brain development.

Physical Activity: Regular exercise improves blood flow to the brain, enhancing cognitive abilities and focus.

Quality Sleep: Sleep is essential for a child’s brain development. It allows the brain to process and consolidate the day’s learnings.

Reading: Regular reading broadens a child’s vocabulary, enhances concentration, and stimulates imagination.

Encourage Curiosity: Welcome your child’s questions to promote critical thinking and a love for learning.

Don't Pressure, Encourage

While engaging your child in activities that boost their IQ is beneficial, keeping a balanced approach is crucial. 

Instil a Love of Learning

Don’t pressure your child to achieve high scores in IQ tests or games. Instead, encourage them to enjoy learning and instil a love for gaining knowledge. 

Every child is unique and has their strengths. Nurture these strengths, and celebrate their progress, no matter how small.

Book your trial class at one of Shichida Australia’s early learning centre’s today!

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