How To Get My Child Concentrate In Class

No Snacks During Class!

Please, no eating in class

Help your child concentrate in class.

The Importance of Nurturing Healthy Snacking Habits in Class:

Do you want to help your child concentrate in class? While it may be tempting to offer your child a snack during class to help them concentrate (or simply reduce disruptive behavior), it’s essential to consider the potential consequences. Let’s examine the scenario:

Child’s Behavior: The child acts up in class, causing distractions and disruptions.

Parent’s Response: The parent provides the child with a snack to promote concentration.

Temporary Settling: The child calms down while consuming the in-class snack.

Repeated Pattern: However, the child’s disruptive behavior resurfaces once the snack is finished.

By analyzing this pattern, it becomes evident that children are adept at recognizing strategies that fulfill their immediate desires and meet their needs. While it is natural for children to seek happiness and satisfaction, it is crucial to ensure that these means are healthy and appropriate. Associating food as a reward can create an expectation for the child to receive food when they misbehave. Moreover, if the provided snack happens to be sugary or unhealthy, it further complicates the issue.

Therefore, it is advisable to approach snacking in the classroom with mindful consideration and promote alternative methods of addressing behavior and maintaining focus to concentrate in class.

Expert Tips for a Successful Shichida Experience:

  1. Optimal Snack Timing:
    Ensure your child has a snack either before or after the class, allowing them to feel comfortable and secure during the session.
  2. Trust the Teachers:
    If your child expresses concerns about food, trust the Shichida teachers to redirect their attention through engaging and interactive activities.
  3. Hydration is Key:
    Encourage your child to stay hydrated by providing water during the class.
  4. Permission to Step Out:
    If your child genuinely needs to step out for a snack, communicate clearly that eating is not permitted during the classroom activities. Offer the option to briefly go outside and return for the exciting Shichida activity. This empowers them with a sense of control while understanding the trade-off. In most cases, children choose to stay in the classroom.
  5. You and Your Child Will Thrive:
    Remember, the class duration is only 50 minutes. Your child will be fine without a snack during this time. Moreover, they will gradually develop improved focus and concentration, qualities that will benefit them throughout their lives.

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